Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Feeling Sick

I am feeling a little under the weather. I started feeling icky on Friday but I believe my strong immune system is keeping this sickness at bay. I believe the only reason why the sickness was able to take hold is because of my compromised immune system. I've also been pushing myself these last few days. I think I just need plenty of rest and hot fluids. I left work early today and crawled into bed.

I'm not feeling well enough to cook. On Sunday night, the bf came over and made me some dinner. Chicken Bacon Casserole. It wasn't that bad. I don't crave it but it was better than nothing. Yesterday I thawed my container of frozen chicken curry. I did stop by Sunflower Market on the way home today. I picked up two pounds of hot chicken italian sausage, mushrooms, and a jar of their sauce. I don't make my own sauce very often because it takes up freezer space. I wished I had a second freezer like my parents. Maybe the bf will come over tomorrow and cook some pasta for me. It is probably a good idea to mix together some no-knead bread tonight and bake it tomorrow so that we can have some fresh bread with dinner. I also got some arborio rice. I want to make scallop pea risotto.

Even though I am sick, I am not idle. I am actually working on a sourdough starter. I am writing about it and taking pictures each day. I will post it once it is completed so it is easier to see the sequence of the progress.
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