Weeknight cooking has to be quick and easy. It is just not worth it for me to work all day and then come home and slave over the kitchen for several hours especially since I cook for one. Weekends are a different story. I cook for two and I usually have time to mull around the kitchen. Dinner had to be especially quick tonight since I got home a little later than usual.
A co-worker made slow-cooker pulled brisket today and it looked so yummy. When I got home, I reached in the freezer a grabbed a bag of chicken thighs. I didn't even think to use the boneless skinless thighs. I grabbed the first thing I saw. I attempted to thaw it out in hot water. It took too long. I managed to separate the pieces, wash them and in they went into the pot of simmering water. I had everything done in less than half an hour. Rachel Ray eat your heart out.
4 chicken thighs
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion flakes
1/2 cup of your favorite barbecue sauce (I used a local bbq joint's bottled sauce. The place is called Brother's BBQ.)
black pepper
1. Simmer the chicken thighs in about 4 cups of water.
2. When chicken is cooked or in my case, mostly cooked, shred the chicken.
3. In a medium saucepan, cook chicken with barbecue sauce, garlic powder, onion flakes, and about a ladle of the liquid from cooking the chicken. Season with salt and pepper. Serve on buns.
Dessert tonight was Haagen-Dazs Rocky Road ice cream.
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